- 윤이실 Yoon I Sil
- Campus : Seoul Campus
- Department : United Graduate School of Theology
- Tel : 02)2123-2912
- Office : Theology Hall 308
- Assistant Professor in Christian Ethics
버클리연합신학대학원 철학박사 (Ph.D., 기독교윤리학)
에딘버러대학교 신학석사 (M.Th., 선교학)
듀크대학교 목회학석사 (M.Div.)
연세대학교 신학, 영어영문학 문학사 (B.A.)
Ph.D. in Christian Ethics, Graduate Theological Union
M.Th. in World Christianity, The University of Edinburgh
M.Div., Duke University
B.A. in Theology, English Linguistics and Literature, Yonsei University
에딘버러대학교 신학석사 (M.Th., 선교학)
듀크대학교 목회학석사 (M.Div.)
연세대학교 신학, 영어영문학 문학사 (B.A.)
Ph.D. in Christian Ethics, Graduate Theological Union
M.Th. in World Christianity, The University of Edinburgh
M.Div., Duke University
B.A. in Theology, English Linguistics and Literature, Yonsei University